I have a wide ranging background where I have done anything from hanging drywall and selling cemetery plots to figuring out those pesky tech issues as a computer support technician.
My spiritual journey began several years ago. I always felt there was something more but I never felt comfortable in organized religion. For almost ten years, I have searched to find my own path and discovered so much more than I had hoped – And I am still on that path. I do not think that the goal was ever to reach a destination – that one point in time that would define who I was and what I believed. This path is a journey, a flow, that continues and changes as I grow and step into my higher self.
I have studied with several wonderful people in the areas of chakra, energy, and crystal healing, shamanism, and tarot reading. I continue to deepen my understanding of all of these areas as well as learning new skills.
My reading with Linda was very good..she knew what my question was immediately and provided great guidance and direction!
Beverly Sebastian
Linda was energetic, detail oriented and insightful…a great experience!
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